Saturday, March 20, 2010



I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate my husband, the love of my life, and wish him a happy 24th birthday! We have been so busy packing up and moving out of the RV, so today is almost slipping by without notice. But I don't want to let that happen! So here's to you Giulian! This past year of marriage has been a blast and I wouldn't trade all of these crazy adventures that God has guided us on for anything. I can't wait to turn this new page in Brazil! Love you!!!   -Christy

Let's take a walk down memory lane...

One of our 1st dates- Super Bowl Party

We were a good fit from the start

Talked Giulian on to the Santa Monica ferris wheel

Our first matchy-matching picture outside my apartment

Now for some Giulian baby pictures...


  1. We didn't about the birthday, so also from us. Blessings from our Lord!
    Thomas and Rebecca, Italy

  2. Giulian, You were as chubby as Noah. We'll miss you guys!!

  3. Monika Pittman3/31/10, 10:52 AM

    heheheheheh That's GREAT love it.
