Monday, March 8, 2010

Must Read Update- Outreach in City of God

Ok, help me do the math here- These stats come from Rio Como Vamos, an organization that exists to research and produce statistics to show how Rio de Janeiro is doing in all aspects of society.

37,202 people living in 0.75 sq. miles (1.21 sq. km) [2008]
83.17 homicides/100,000 residents [2006]
19.49 deaths by police action/100,000 residents [2006]
368.83 homicides/100,000 men ages 15-25 [2006]
115.26 deaths by police action/100,000 men ages 15-25 [2006]

Just to put it in perspective, the murder rate in all of Texas for 2008 was 5.6/100,000 residents. Jay (Director, Restore Brazil & Acts 29 Brasil) has posted on his blog a must-read update on recent outreach in the City of God slum. We are touched by their heart to reach out with the Gospel to the little ones in the community and meet the basic humane needs of the residents. RB will be assisting church-planters to start a church in this slum this year.

"The poverty in this community is unbelievable." Read more here.

Re: Ben's Comment- "So there's only 1.28 sq. inches per person?"

Can you see why?

And that's only the "estimated" population.


  1. -- 37,202 people living in 0.75 sq. miles (1.21 sq. km) [2008]

    So there's only 1.28 sq. inches per person?

    That would also work about to be 30,745 people per sq. km. In comparison, this is about 5 times more densely populated than Hong Kong, which is considered to be one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

  2. Crazy numbers up there! Jeez it just hit me today that you guys will no longer be here in 11 days. It made me cry just thinking about it. No more mobile to mobile talks for a long time. We are praying for you guys & I already miss you guys like you are there!
