Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Video from our church's last baptisms!

Our church, DCC, celebrated our second baptisms on December 11th, and Giulian had the extreme privilege of baptizing our neighbor, Xuan Gong, as a professing believer in Christ!! Man, it was such a glorious day.

Giulian likes to share that when he was discussing with Xuan about the gospel during their weekly meetings, one analogy he borrowed from "Helping Children to Understand the Gospel" was particularly helpful. If you're baking cookies and you leave them in too long, you're going to have burnt cookies. You can't just take the burnt cookie, and make it soft again. What do you need? -To which Xuan proclaimed- "New cookie!" Now Xuan is a "new cookie" in Christ and for that we rejoice!

We hope you enjoy the video below that some talented folks in our church put together to remember that day. Praise God, the Giver of new life!



  1. The folks here at work are going to wonder why my eyes are filled with tears!! Rejoicing with you all!!! So thankful for His love <3 Glad I got to watch. Love hearing the cookie story & glad I was able to meet my new brothers in Christ when we had to opportunity to visit :D
    Love y'all!!
