Friday, January 29, 2010

Stories - Part 2

The meaning behind our subtitle:

"Religious people have rules to follow, but missionaries have stories to tell."

The quote comes from Bruce Wesley, our lead pastor at CCCC.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christy's 2010 Reading List

Okay guys, since everyone has been asking me which books I'm going to read this year (I'm trying to sound like a prominent blogger) and since I am procrastinating to begin our 2nd Newsletter (you all better read those because they are a lot of work!), here is my tentative book list.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to Igreja Presbiteriana na Barra da Tijuca!

I wanted to formally introduce you to what will be our home church there in Rio - Barra Presbiteriana (transliterated- Presbyterian Church of the Tijuca Neighborhood). Check out the website to see some pictures of the various ministries they're involved in. Yes, it's in Portuguese, but all you have to do is click the red box that says "Galeria de Fotos." Can anybody tell me what that means without using an online translator? It's very simple!

Below is a Google map of where the church is located. Around there, the area called Barra da Tijuca, is where we will be living. Once we secure our flights (and thus, our arrival date) our friend Jay will be able to search for our apartment. Any bets on a street we should live on?


View Larger Map

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I am struggling with doubt today. I have not been able to convince myself to finalize our flight plans because I'm doubtful that it will work. Giulian is faithful and confident, I am nervous. Doubt is something that can creep in like a slow fog. At first the air feels unnoticeably sticky, and before you know it you can't even see your own hand in front of your face! (My L.C. brethren can testify to this analogy, amen?) That is why it's so dangerous and can cause so many collisions - it is deceiving, like doubt.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stories - Part 1

Stories - Part 1
When I was in elementary school, a man came to perform for us in the multi-purpose room. The teachers hurried the students into this large room with only a stage. I remember he was uniquely large. Maybe the biggest person I had ever seen at this point in my life. We shuffled in and sat around him eagerly waiting to see what he would do...

Newsletter #1

Just in case you happen to be reading this blog and you are not on our newsletter distribution list, here is our first newsletter! Please let us know if you didn't receive this by email and would like to. Our original goal over a year ago was to do this internship in January of this year, but we were not able to find a place to go until just a couple months ago. But God is wise and His timing is perfect, so now we're hoping to leave for Brazil in mid-March. We're looking to buy our tickets here very soon, anyone know of any good deals?!


*Update* See Media and Resources for our first Newsletter.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This is harder than it seems...

I'll tell you what, creating a blog that people will mistake as a real website is very difficult! In my quest to "un-cheapen" our blogsite I have learned how to speak "html." I'm sure that will be useful in Brazil... ("Oi, eu sou Christy! $startside; sidebar; floater; bold!")

But really, we're so excited that you'll be able to keep you guys up to date with everything we're doing. Read it, bookmark it, blog it, forward it, just stay connected! Watch this to see how excited we are: